How To Clean Water Dispensers

It is a good idea to clean and disinfect your water cooler thoroughly every time you change the water bottle

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Here are 10 most popular and most loved hand sanitizers in Nigeria

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Tuesday 31 July 2018

Water Tank Cleaning Service in Lagos and Port Harcourt

We are a specialist in Water Tank Cleaning Treatment Solutions in Nigeria. We offer domestic water tank washing service in Lagos and Port Harcourt. Our water tank cleaning services in Lagos cover Lekki, VI, Ikoyi, Ikeja, Magodo, Surulere etc. Starting from any kind of grassroots level problem to the more complex ones. Our company was established in the year 2016, and since then it’s been over a decade that we have been working in this field. In today’s time, the criticality of quality water in all fields is all-pervasive, and that is what we aim to provide our client’s with. We work in both industrial and domestic sectors with latest technologies & machinery with the sole dedication towards quality.

How water tanks get dirty
Water Storage Tanks like your GP or Geepee tank  get dirty as a result of use; exposure to the atmosphere, stagnant water / not emptied regularly. Every time water is pumped from the borehole, particles of sand equally get pumped into the WST. The water residue at the base of the Tank creates a good environment for the growth of Algae, Bacteria and other water related micro organisms.

Water is one of the earth's most precious and threatened resources Health is one of each person's most precious resources We need to protect and enhance them both Water for Health 3.4 million people, mostly children, die annually from water-related diseases. Half of all hospital beds in the world are occupied by someone suffering from a water-related illness. 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions.

The human body is made up of 65-70% of Water, and everything we consume is either in liquid form or prepared with water. Diseases and Sicknesses are mainly contracted through water. When we consume contaminated water (drinking, washing of hands, brushing of teeth, bathing, food preparation etc) from the Water Tanks due to dirt accumulation, we become susceptible to diseases and sicknesses like Cholera, Diarrhea, Typhoid, Malaria (mosquitoes breeding ground) etc.

We need to wash / clean our Tanks regularly; at least two (2) times or more every year.

Water Tank Cleaning price in Nigeria
We need the following information to quote and give you the cost of cleaning water tank in Nigeria
  1. Number of tanks present
  2. Size of tanks to be cleaned in litres
  3. Location of Tanks to be cleaned
  4. Any working restrictions such as out of hours working
Call us on 08188400001 or visit our website

Why you should Regularly Clean your Water Storage Tank

Are you wondering why you should regularly was/ clean your water tank? Many people wonder why they should do this when a water tank is actually supposed to store a clean water. This write up will help you discover why water tank cleaning is a necessary regular exercise.  Water Storage Tanks get dirty as a result of use; exposure to the atmosphere, stagnant water / not emptied regularly. Every time water is pumped from the borehole, particles of sand equally get pumped into the WST. The water residue at the base of the Tank creates a good environment for the growth of Algae, Bacteria and other water related micro organisms.

The human body is made up of 65-70% of Water, and everything we consume is either in liquid form or prepared with water. Diseases and Sicknesses are mainly contracted through water. When we consume contaminated water (drinking, washing of hands, brushing of teeth, bathing, food preparation etc) from the Water Tanks due to dirt accumulation, we become susceptible to diseases and sicknesses like Cholera, Diarrhea, Typhoid, Malaria (mosquitoes breeding ground) etc.

We need to wash / clean our Tanks regularly; at least two (2) times or more every year.

Water Storage Tank Cleaning in Lekki Lagos

Friday 16 March 2018

How To Know The Right Pesticide To Use.

Pests are unwanted creatures that invade our homes and cause sicknesses and diseases. We try as much as possible to get rid of them by using pesticides and pest killing agents. When buying and using a pesticide. There are few things you should bear in mind to prevent home hazards.

Before purchasing a pesticide, also check the label to be sure it is appropriate to use on your plants or in your home or treatment site. For instance:
  • Be sure the particular type of plant or site you plan to treat is listed on the label.
  • Do not use pesticides labeled for use on ornamental plants or plants that will be eaten.
  • Never use pesticides labeled for "outdoor use only" indoors.
  • Pesticides can seriously damage some plants; read the label to be sure treated plants won't be injured.
  • You can shop for your pesticides at number one pest control service in Nigeria.

When choosing pesticides, remember that most pesticides (even the more toxic ones) only control certain stages of the pest. Many insecticides kill only the larval (e.g., caterpillars) stage, not the eggs or pupae. Other insecticides target only adults. Many fungicides are preventive treatments and will not eliminate infections that have already started, although they may slow their spread. Likewise, some herbicides (preemergence herbicides) kill germinating weeds but not established ones, while others (postemergence herbicides) are effective against actively growing weeds.

Other than a pesticide, what else might work?
There are many ways to manage pests other than pesticides including:
  • Cultural control (using the right pruning, fertilizing or watering regime, or selecting pest-resistant varieties or species)
  • Physical control (for example, using mulches to keep weeds from growing, or solarization for soilborne pathogens or weed seeds)
  • Mechanical control (hoeing weeds, spraying leaves forcefully with water to remove insects, or using traps or creating barriers to exclude pests)
  • Biological control (using beneficial organisms such as insects that eat or parasitize other insects)
  • Replant (in extreme cases, where a plant requires regular pesticide treatment, consider replanting with a more pest-resistant species or variety)
If you decide to use a pesticide, use it in an integrated pest management (IPM) program that includes use of nonchemical methods. In almost all cases, a combination of measures will provide the most satisfactory and long-term pest control.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Top Seven Pest Invasion In Nigerian Homes Today.

Pests are harmful creatures that invade and destroy things. They are one of the causes of leading deaths in the world today and the society needs to go extra miles to eradicating pest and also exercise pest control. The top seven pest in Nigeria home today known for causing havoc, discomfort and even deaths needs to be addressed and measures put in place to eradicate them.


 Bed bugs reduce the attractiveness and livability of any home.  While bed bugs are not known to carry disease, their presence is highly undesirable and causes soiling of bedding, home and furniture. I recently spoke to a prospective buyer of a very expensive home who was considering backing out of the deal because she found out the previous owner had had bed bugs.  Fortunately, the owner had hired a good company with experienced staff who did all the right things, and had records showing that the problem had been taken care of.  If you are unfortunate enough to have bed bugs. Hire a professional pest control service to get rid of them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cockroaches in the home are both repugnant and unhealthy.  Research has shown that children growing up in homes with cockroaches are more likely to suffer from allergies and asthma.  Their feces and shed skins are allergenic and can carry pathogens.  German cockroaches require a vigorous cleanup effort, and careful use of baits.  If you do these two things right, sprays are not usually needed for good cockroach control. 

 Rats and mice.  Yes, I know they’re not insects, but rats in your home are some of the most unhealthy and damaging pests around.  Ignore these little critters at your own peril.  It’s estimated that a single cute little house mouse leaves behind 3,000 microdroplets of urine a day.  This urine, which contains a host of bacteria and viruses, ends up wherever the mice travel: kitchen counters, floors, silverware drawers and food cupboards. Their larger rat cousins, the roof and Norway rats, also leave behind feces and urine with pathogens capable of spreading salmonella, murine typhus and other maladies.  Even worse for your home, rats will damage and contaminate insulation and chew on attic wiring. While rodenticides can be effective, they often result in animals dying in the attic or walls or other undesirable location. In this case, rat traps are effective. 

Termites cause damage to property  and damage by termites is typically not covered by homeowner’s insurance.  Termite control is not for amateurs. A professional can help you identify the species you are fighting and use an effective control to protect your home.  It is very important for you to hire a professional pest control service agent that will help reduce termites in your home.

Ants are one of the most dangerous pest in the world. They are tiny and small but can cause death and havoc on humans. It is important for you to keep your surroundings clean especially your kitchen. Ants like to seek for food and they come in an army. They invade anywhere and anyplace, They  sting any thing that comes in between their way and due to their small and insensitive size, they can crawl up to your skin and even enter your pants, butt, ears, nose etc; Imagine the disaster of having a stinging ant inside your pants. 

Squirrels can also be incredibly destructive to your home.  They chew holes in siding and soffits, they start families in your attic, they even damage trees in your yard.  And together with rats and mice, these rodents are thought to be the cause of up to 25% of all mystery fires–fires for which the cause cannot be determined with certainty.  If you hear the rapid pitter-patter of footsteps in your attic, especially during the day, chances are you have squirrels. Exclusion and one-way doors installed by a professional are effective ways of dealing with squirrels that make their way indoors.

Honey bees are great outdoors, in a hive, kept by a beekeeper; but they become an expensive house wrecker when allowed indoors.  Within a few days of finding their way indoors, a bee colony of 30,000 bees can build a several pound hive.  As the hive continues to grow, it becomes a sizeable mass of wax, honey, and propolis.  If killed by insecticide, a dead hive will leak fermenting honey and melted wax (the bees normally keep wax from melting in hot environments), and dead bees.  It will also attract insect scavengers, moths, and rodents.  A significant part of the cost of bee extermination is removal of the nest. Make sure whoever you hire has experience and knows what they are doing.  You may be able to get someone to extract the bees alive; but this isn’t always practical and it usually costs you more. Wild honey bees are not endangered in any way, so you shouldn’t feel guilty about exterminating a wild bee nest where it’s not wanted.

Causes Of Pests Attacks In The Home.

Pests are a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc. They are literally all over the place and are here to stay. Pest attacks like insects, rodents and spiders are one of the most dangerous and harmful attack that can happen to you. They can cause ailments, allergies and spread diseases. It is very important to keep a safe and clean environment to prevent pest attacks in your home.

Causes Of Pests Attacks In The Home.

1) Unclean Surroundings.
        This is one of the major causes of pest attacks in the home. A home that is filled with unwashed dishes, dusty chairs and tables, over-used bed sheets, dirty carpets and rugs can invite pests into your home. They become your daily companion as they live on your bed, furniture, kitchen cupboard, refrigerators and even lay eggs on your finest dress and shirt. Make sure to always clean and tidy your surroundings, It becomes important for you to clean regularly and use proper insectides and pesticides to kill them.

2) Over Load Of Properties In The Home.
          We all know how many and big our properties are and in a case of a large family, there would be so many properties hanging here and there. This even becomes worse if the large family lives in a small apartment. This is a good time for pest to invade your home and hide in dark and warm corners. The too many properties even makes it easier for them; You can imagine finding a roll of cockroach eggs in your box and get irritated. In this case, you should try as much as possible to have a store away from the home; just two inches outside the home where you keep those many and big items. It goes a long way to reduce pest infestations and bring about diseases.

3) The Weather.
         This is another major factor of pest attacks in the home. During the rainy season and harmattan period, insects like ants, millipedes, earthworms etc and the dry and heat period where rodents, spiders, termites etc are seen to start looking for food and fiber. They invade into your homes from the smell of small liquids and solid fiber. They can go as far as invading your soup pot and destroying your yams, cassava, etc. They eat away your woods and even make it difficult for you to sleep as you try to get rid of them. During this period, it is essential to be extra careful; avoid spillage of oil and food and even when it happens, clean thoroughly with soap and water and a clean towel. Keep your yams an other foodstuffs in a cool and warm place and make sure the surroundings around them are clean. You can also spray pesticides around your home to keep them at arms length. This goes a long way in ensuring food spoilage.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Differences Between A Laundry Cleaning Service And A Dry Cleaning Service.

Do you want to know if dry cleaning or laundry cleaning is more suitable for you? The number of people who use professional companies to clean their dirty laundry has increased. The professional services save the homemakers time, and also delivers clothes that are cleaned thoroughly and treated with care.

Depending on the dirt and the fabric type, you can dry or wet launder your clothes. The dirty clothes are manually inspected and stained spots are specially treated with chemicals. Professional launderers use modern cleaning equipment that use specific amount of solvents and detergents, for maximum efficiency. The washed clothes are finally pressed and folded.

When you decide to send your garments for cleaning, you should know the basic differences between dry and laundry cleaning.

Differences Between Dry and Laundry Cleaning.

1. Dry cleaning process uses a chemical solvent to rinse the garments. It is called 'dry' cleaning because water is not used in the cleaning process. The traditional wet laundering method involves the immersion of your clothes in water.

2. Dry cleaning process is done using the chemical perchloroethylene to remove stains and grease from clothing. Laundry cleaning uses cleaning agents like soaps, detergents or softeners along with water to remove dirt from clothing.

3. The dry cleaned clothes are then loaded in a machine and washed using the process called tumbling. The solvents used in the process are generally removed and recycled. In laundry cleaning, the clothes are tumbled in a machine and the detergent works with water to remove the dirt particles during the agitation process.

4. The garments in the dry cleaning process are dried with the help of dry cleaning machines. In laundry cleaning, water is removed from the garments using the spinning process. After this the clothes are dried in a drier or hung dried.

5. Dry cleaned clothes are steamed or ironed to straighten them. Finally they are ready for delivery. In laundry cleaning clothes are pressed or steamed.

Benefits of Dry Cleaning Process

* Effectively removes grease and tough to remove oil stains.

* Reduces shrinkage and distortion of the fabric.

* Minimizes discoloration and reduces bleeding.

* Originality of the material is maintained.

* Protects texture and increases lifespan of clothes.

* With technology advancements, dry cleaning companies have started to use environmentally- friendly cleaning products that disintegrate easily and less harmful. These solvents do not produce odor and your clothes smell fresher and feel better.

Benefits of Laundry Cleaning

* They do not use harmful chemicals that can be harmful to you and the environment.

* People with sensitive skin may have negative reactions to the chemicals used for dry cleaning process.

* It is much cheaper as the solvent used is water and a detergent or softener, and these give a freshness to your clothes.

* Unlike dry cleaned clothes, laundered clothes are free from chemical odor. Softening agents added give a pleasant smell to your clothes.

* Wet laundering is energy efficient; it consumes 50% less energy than the energy used for dry cleaning.

Before you choose to dry clean or wet clean your clothes, you should know the limitations and benefits of each process, and your garment material. If you are not sure, then get professional advice from laundry cleaning companies. It is wise to use the right process of washing on the right fabric to get the best benefit.

Monday 12 March 2018

Benefits Of A Laundry Service..

A good laundry service goes beyond washing and delivering clothes to people. It deals with professional and highly regarded washing equipment to help remove stains and bring out the best quality refined clean cloth at a fast and convenient delivery. The benefits of a laundry service makes it easier for your convenience and at an affordable price.

                                  Benefits Of A Laundry Service.

1) Very Convenient.
        Imagine the stress of washing a pile of clothes and jeans, while you may still have other things to do. For most people who have hectic work hours or hectic schedules may find it very difficult and stressful or may not even have the time to wash their clothes. A laundry service serves as a saviour to help wash your clothes at your convenience and save you the stress of dealing with your machines and hectic schedules. It comes like a relief of mind when you know your clothes are at safe hands.

2) Affordability.
        The cost of buying and maintaining a washing machine, a dryer and other washing equipment will definetely cut into your finance and account balance. A laundry service saves you that cost by billing you at an affordable price which you can definentely afford. It may become ideal for you to be their client and this would make it very affordable for you as you would be given huge discounts.

3) Speed.
       You should put in mind how fast you would be when washing your clothes especially if you need a particular wear the next day. Save yourself the stress by hiring a good laundry service to do your emergency cloth wash and see how it would be delivered back to you in full speed.

4) Professional Results.
        You are sure to get the customer satisfaction you want when you hire a good and professional laundry service. Your clothes would come out looking sparkling clean, neat and well packaged. You are 100% sure that there would be no damage on your clothes and it would be delivered to you as scheduled.

The Benefits Of A Clean Surrounding.

Lets look at it, A clean surrounding attracts good hygiene. It prevents the spread of bacteria and germs. It makes it safe for people to mingle, interact and share with one another. A good surrounding appeals to yourself, and also to the others. The benefits of a clean surrounding goes a long way to keeping a society free from bacteria and also creates a sense of positivity and godliness. Clean the hope, office, hospital and keep your surroundings clean at all times.

                           THE BENEFITS OF A CLEAN SURROUNDING.

1) Good Hygiene.
      A clean surrounding drives good hygiene. You may not know, but a clean surrounding contributes to keeping your skin looking fresh and healthy. Imagine, staying in a dirty environment full of pests, waste products and pollution; How do you think your skin would look like? All these bad bacteria and air pollution can rest on your skin thus making it look pale and unhealthy. This makes it very important to strive for a clean environment; Empty your dustbin, do regular(weekly or monthly) sanitation around your surrounding and go extra mile to ensuring every other person around you also strive to keep a clean environment.

2) It Portrays A Good Image.
        This is a good way of bringing in positive appeal and attraction to your home or office. A clean surrounding portrays a good image of you and can make your guests or client get that satisfaction they need. In this case, appearance matters a lot and it is essential to go that lengthy mile to get a good image of yourself or a good image of your work place. A clean surrounding portrays a good image of how homely or professional you are and trust me, people would love to come back.

3) A Free Germ Society.
          One of the good benefits of a clean surrounding is a society free from harmful germs that can cause illness and diseases. A free Germ society can only be achieved with a clean surrounding. Proper and regular sanitation must be put in place to achieve this. A society that is free from harmful germs will have a low rate of mortality.

4) Free From Hazard.
         An environment where there are pile of dirt, debris, and waste products can create environmental hazard. One of the best benefits of a clean surrounding is a society free from any kind of hazard; It is important to keep away any harmful things that may be endangering the lives of the society. A clean surrounding keeps the environment and the society as a whole free from hazard.

5) A Steady Supply Of Food, Water, And Natural Resources.
            A clean surrounding makes it easy for companies, factories to work. It also improves farming and agriculture and food processing becomes easier. An environment that is always clean and free from hazards will always have steady and uninterrupted supply of food and water. Natural resources would manifest on its own and makes life worth living.

6) Improved Economy.
        It would interest you to know that a clean surrounding greatly improves the economy. A society where there is steady supply of food and water, there would be renewable energy to satisfy the thirst for energy amongst the people, new inventories would come up and globalization would take place.

The benefits of a clean surrounding goes beyond personal hygiene. It affects everyone thus it is required to strive for a clean surrounding at all times.

Friday 9 March 2018

Things To Look Out For When Choosing The Right Cleaning Tool.

Cleaning tools vary from size and shape and depending on how well you maintain them, they can last for a very long time. Choosing the right cleaning tool is very important when it comes to cleaning in general.  Here are a few things you should bear in mind;

1) Go For The Best Quality. 
        It is safe to go for the best quality to make what you buy last longer. There are best quality products at affordable prices. In this case, It is important to know the different types of cleaning product brand in the market than going to the market only with the intention of just buying any available or cheap cleaning products.

2) Affordable in Price. 
             It is very essential that why choosing the right cleaning tool for your cleaning, You need to look at the price range it falls on and it is advisable to go for the one you can afford at that time. Like it was said earlier in this post, cleaning tool vary in size and shape and even in quality so going for the affordable and also the best quality product you can find is advisable.

3) Durability. 
        The quality and the ability of a product to withstand wear and pressure should be the things you should look out for while choosing a cleaning product. Most cleaning tools especially the metals and plastics may start to wear, break and tear as time goes on especially if it is kept in heat environment. The durability of a product determines how long it would last.

4) Buy what you need. 
          This is the most important factor when choosing the right cleaning tool. Most cleaning tool are built to be attractive and appealing with different bright colours. You should buy what you need immediately at your place and not what attracts your eyes. Too many cleaning tools scattering around the place can cause home hazard specially when you have children who may play with them as toys.

Differences Of Disinfectant, Antiseptic And Medicated Soap.

Germs and bacteria are everywhere and can grow into very harmful and poisionus agent in the surrounding. It is very important to always keep the surroundings safe by using preventive and germ-killing agents that can help in reducing it. Disinfectant, Antiseptic and medicated soaps are the best germ-killing and prevention agents that helps keeps bacteria away.

1) Disinfectant is a substance or a liquid chemical that is used to kill bacteria which is used especially in toilet and kitchen. It is one of the safestgerm-killing soap that helps prevent bacteria from spreading. Antiseptic is a chemical that is used to prevent infection in an injury by killing bacteria. It is used to sterlize the skin before giving an injection. Medicated soap on the other hand, is a unique substance dedicated to killing bacteria on the skin thus making it look healthier and fresher.

2) Disinfectant is used on inanimate objects like touchable surfaces and areas around the kitchen. It can also be used for toilet washing, hand washing and for floor cleaning. Antiseptic is used in places like the gym, schools, hospitals, factories and field works. It works as an anti-germ agent that kills bacteria fast on any open skin injury before it enters into the blood stream. Medicated works as an extra personal hygiene body care tool that gives your skin that natural softness free from bacteria and germ as you go about your daily activities. 

3) Disinfectant comes in packaged formulars thus they are not handy and may not be reliable to carry everywhere. They are to be put in the kitchen, toilet, or any open public places. Antiseptic comes as an emergency first aid box; so it is required to be carried especially on a field trip. This emergency substance is the first step towards wound or injury healing. Medicated soaps due to his fragance may not be advisable to carry about to avoid a pleasant smell but in an unwanted environment. 

4) Disinfectant kills bacteria on inanimate objects. Antiseptic kills bacteria on open wounds, cut and injuries. Medicated soaps kills bacteria on skin surfaces. 
These bacteria and germ killing agents should be your number one hygiene tool. It is required for you to have these three agents at your home, work place, or any organization.

Effects Of Dust In Work Surroundings.

Dust consists of fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air. They are rested on touchable surfaces and carried along with the air. There is a very likely possible means that dust are always at every corner of the home, office, or any organization at all. They are rested on gadgets, equipment, tools, instruments, furniture, etc. These rested particles contribute greatly to body hazard and to the society and can cause respiratory illness. Office and work surroundings should be safe from dust and harmful particles that can cause the staff and workers to fall sick and become unproductive in their work field. Symptoms of dust include symptoms like red, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and/or a runny, itchy, stuffy nose.

                          EFFECTS OF DUST IN WORK SURROUNDINGS.

1) Dust can cause an Asthma attack to the workers. The Bacteria and by-products around touchable surfaces and furniture edges known to trigger asthma. The greater the exposure, especially during windy days or during cleaning, the greater the probability of having an asthma attack. 

2) Dust can cause Dermatitis. This is a severe skin condition that can make your skin surface look pale, dull and dry. It also causes eczema and this can irritate both your workers and clients. It is very important to always clean every touchable surfaces at the work place as you tend to rest your body on them. 

3)Interfering with brain development. If the dust in your office contains BDEs (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers), which are flame retardant compounds used to reduce flammability of common office  items like furniture, carpet padding and tiles, it can potentially lead to a toxic disruption of developing hormone systems and the brain. This can affect work creativity as workers who should be mentally balanced may find it difficult to identify new ideas and seek work solutions. It is important to vacuum the office twice a week, clean the floors and touchable surfaces everyday, and use air freshners.

4) It may lead to more serious allergies. Most people generally have allergies and dust mites is usually one of them. This can cause severe symptoms such as itching/runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and unable to breathe properly. It is essential to always clean and dust work surroundings to prevent dust especially during the windy days.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Four Rules Of Office Cleaning.

Cleaning is a very important task in any environment. You have to put in mental and physical effort to cleaning any area of the surroundings. Office cleaning can require a great task especially when hiring a professional cleaning service to clean the office environment. To get the best job done, there are certain rules to office cleaning. Here are six rules of office cleaning.

                        FOUR RULES OF OFFICE CLEANING.

1) Hire Professional Cleaning Service.
        This is the first step and most important rule of office cleaning. Staff may not be required to clean offices especially when they have work loads and have monthly target to meet so in most cases office cleaning is mostly outsourced. It is very important to hire a professional cleaning service to do the cleaning. It saves time, and energy in the part of the staff.

2) Proper Arrangement Of Office Furniture.
       When cleaning, furniture are often tossed around till after cleaning and most times they are not put back in their right places. Proper arrangement of office furniture should be required after cleaning. Office furniture most times are fragile and of soft quality, and so needs to be handled with care.

3) Proper Cleaning Of Sky-Rise Buildings.
         Sky-Rise buildings is one of the most difficult and dangerous task when it comes to cleaning. There are equipment and tools that Sky-Rise builders use to clean. These tools make it easier and safer to getting the windows cleaned properly.

4) Soaps, Disinfectants And Hand Sanitizers Should Be Put In Strategic Places.
          These hand washing agent is the primarily goal for a safe and healthy work environment. It is important that they are put in strategic places like the toilet, and bathroom for use for both the staff, clients and visitors.

How To Properly Clean And Take Care Of Your Waste Bin.

The waste bin is always in every corner of the home, office, hospitals and organizations. It is used by individuals and Cleaning services companies. The waste bin is for disposing litters, waste, dirt and debris collected around the surroundings. It is mostly assumed and even practiced that most people do not clean the waste bin after disposing. This is a very bad habit as dirt and waste will accumulate to form and germs and bacteria that would likely spread and infect people with diseases. Most people who do not clean the waste bin do this because they use a bin bag and it is most likely for the waste bin not to get dirty, but it is recommend that it still get cleaned. Health and Sanitation Practioners and professional cleaners are of the assertions that the waste bin is probably the first and most important tool that needs to stay clean at all times.

1)      Dispose the wastebin everytime it gets filled up or when there are more waste on it than usual which may likely make it to start smelling. Do not wait for it the waste to start falling off on the floor and start having a foul smell before disposing it. When it starts falling off on the floor or start littering on the floor, there would be more waste than usual that you would have to pack, and this would even require you cleaning the floor.

2)      After disposing the waste; use a long brush or cleaning stick to scrub out dried dirt from the waste bin. Scrub out the edges of the waste bin that dirt must have rested. This is a very important factor when cleaning the waste bin as it makes it easier for cleaning to take place.

3)      Wash thoroughly with a clean sponge and a disinfectant. Make sure to wash the edges too. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry.
The waste bin is one of the most effective cleaning tool agent that helps keep the community clean and tidy. Do not litter your surroundings, always put your food nylons, waste etc in a refuse bin. This will go along way in keeping a cleanand healthy environment free from germs.

Four Major Places Where Hand Sanitizers Are Used.

Theimportance of Hand Sanitizer can not be over emphasized  as it makes it safe for cleaning  your hands. It is mostly used in all places. Offices, homes, hospitals, and organizations. Hand Sanitizers plays a vital role in Hand Washing and general hygiene. Here are the four major places to use Hand Sanitizers.


1  1 )      A Hand Sanitizer can be used in the office for the benefits of staff, clients and visitors. The fragrance gives your office an appealing and welcoming scent. It helps prevent the spread of flu that can cause your staff to become sick and reduce the productivity and effectiveness of work. Hand Sanitizer is very important in the work place as it doesn’t only portray a good image of your company to your clients but also enhance work effectiveness.

2  2 )      A Hand Sanitizer can be used in hospitals. Hospitals are supposed to be the cleanlinest and safest place to be. It is required that hospitals are to place Hand Sanitizers in every major areas and corners around the hospitals. The Hand Sanitizer can also be used for cleaning too especially around the edges of the hospital bathroom or toilet. Hand washing should be the ultimate goal in preventing a germ-free society. The hospital should be the number one exemplary leader when it comes to Hand Sanitization and keeping a clean and healthy environment. Hospitals use Hand Sanitizer for proper and effective hygiene amongst the workers, patients and visitors.

3  3)      A Hand Sanitizer can be used in the home. The home is the central and the beginning of every cleaning and sanitization process. It is the first step to personal and proper hygiene. A Hand Sanitizer should be kept at strategic places; in the kitchen, bathroom,toilet,(visitor’s toilet). This also enhances a healthy habit of hand washing after eating meals, and using the toilet.

4  4)     A Hand  Sanitizer can be used in organizations such as schools, factories, churches, etc. There are usually prep talks for children that teaches them on Hand Washing and Persona Hygiene. When it comes to Hand Washing, diagrams are seen around the class walls on when to wash your hands especially after eating and going to the toilet and how to properly wash your hands with Hand Sanitizers and water. This diagrams and chart boards creates a vivid image on the children and gives them the insight on the importance of Hand Washing and Personal hygiene. Factories and building companies also use Hand Sanitizers. The heavy work load especially as they handle metals, and rods. It is required that before eating and after the day’s work, Proper Hand Washing should take place. Churches are also required to use Hand Sanitizers.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

How To Portray A Good Image Of Your Company To The Public.

Maintaining a good office surrounding goes a long way to convey a professional image to clients, associates, visitors and staff. It signals to all that you care about your workplace and your business. It is an extension of your brand and the quality of your work, product and services on offer. A clean office can also increase staff morale and productivity.

1) Arrange all documents and files in an orderly manner.
       This is the first step to ensuring your company portrays a good image to the public. All files and documents should be put in shelves and arrange accordingly. There should be a refined place where office documents are kept for later use.

2) Welcome your clients with respect and special care.
          It does not matter whether the client wants to get a job done or just want to do some enquiries. All your clients should be treated with respect and it is also very important to do a follow up on all your clients, get feedbacks and recommendations from them.

3) All staff are to be treated equally with respect.
          Starting from the general manager to the intern, staff are to be treated equally with respect, care and attention. It is also required to give bonuses to staffs who excel well in any given contract or any job well done and even brought special benefits to the company. This brings productivity amongst staff.

4) Seminars, Training, Conference , Private Trips and Excursions
     is is an important factor in also portraying a good image to your company . Seminars help them interact with what is going on within and outside their job range. It also increase their job creativity and makes them enjoy their work.

Differences Between Hand Cleanser And Hand Sanitizer.

The importance of Hand Cleanser and Hand Sanitizer plays a vital role in health and preventive measure of germs and flus. It is also a good daily habit that needs to be cultivated. Hand Cleanser and Hand Sanitizer are basic cleaning agents that are used daily in offices, homes, hospitals, organizations or as a personal care agent. You need to know the difference between Hand Cleanser and Hand Sanitizer as you use them to wash your hands against germs and bacteria.


  • A Hand Cleanser keeps your hand looking clean and fresh but at the same time contains some harsh ingredients that may likely dry out and cause irritations on your hands especially if you use it everyday While A Hand Sanitizer not only keeps your hand looking clean, and fresh but also destroys 99% of germs and bacteria on hands. Most Hand Sanitizers does not contain harsh ingredients and so you are safe from a free-dry hands; You can use it everyday.

  • A Hand Cleanser is mostly for personal use and it is good for emergency hand washing needs especially if you are the busy type who may not have the time to always go to a bathroom and wash your hands. Just pop the cover of the bottle, apply a small amount of liquid on your palm and rub it all over your hands. No need for rinsing. While A Hand Sanitizer is mostly for public places like the office, home, hospitals, clinics, and organizations. Most public places prefer using the Hand Sanitizer as it is safer, and cheaper to use and can easily be found in the market. Most hospitals recommend a Hand Sanitizer especially even for personal use as it is highly recommendable for killing of germs and bacteria when used daily thus reducing the rate of flu and influenza in the society.

  • A Hand Cleanser can pose as the smallest and safest hand washing cleaning agent to use. It is affordable, portable and comes in different and unique sizes. It is recommended for high profile hectic jobs and you can easily rub your hands together with it while waiting for a client and can be placed anywhere in the office or home While A Hand Sanitizer poses as a big or medium sized hand washing cleaning agent. It can not easily be carried around and even put in a bag because the liquid might spill inside the bag and damage other items. It is only recommended for public offices and kept only in the bathroom, kitchen or the laundry.

  • A Hand Cleanser; depending on the brand may be harsh and have a stinging feeling when used. It is very important to know the type of Hand Cleanser you want to use. Take time to read the instructions, allergies and side effects before purchasing any. Buying the wrong type of Hand Cleanser may cause skin irritation and body hazard While A Hand Sanitizer can readily fit into any skin type and can come in handy ready to use at any time.

  • A Hand Cleanser requires only hand surface cleaning; It goes deep into skin surfaces to rejuvenate your skin and make it look clean and fresh While a Hand Sanitizer is for deep-thorough hand washing that requires your strength to rub between your fingers and rinse thoroughly.
The differences of Hand Cleanser and A Hand Sanitizer creates and paves way for customer's satisfaction. It is required to go for the one that suits you best whilst bearing in mind your ultimate goal to achieving a free-germ society and the curbing of bacteria causing illness in the society.

Monday 5 March 2018

How To Take Care Of Your Cleaning Tools.

You should know that just because it is a cleaning tool does not mean it should not be cleaned itself. Cleaning tools can be filled with dirt, germs, bacteria, debris and using it to wash may even make your household items become more dirty. Cleaning and taking good care of your cleaning tools can make it last longer and you save yourself the cost for replacement. Here are a few steps to cleaning your cleaning tools.


1) Wash them immediately after use.
        This is the first step to taking care of your cleaning tools. Just because it is a cleaning tool does not mean it should clean itself or left without washing after use. It is very important to clean them thoroughly to avoid acquiring dirt, germs, debris or bacteria which may spread to other parts and surfaces of the home.

2) Use a germ-killing detergent to clean them.
         This applies to all your cleaning tools. The brush, sponge, toilet scrub, mob, broom, duster, hand gloves, bubble foam, etc. Clean them thoroughly with a germ-killing soap especially after use and wash and rinse them thoroughly before leaving to dry. You can  buy affordable germ-killing soap at any cleaning service store.

3) Fix immediately any broken part.
        While washing, it is very possible for the cleaning tool to come off or get broken. You are to fix it immediately without delay. If it is a DIY, it makes it even better to fix and if it is to be taken for repair, do so immediately and remember to wash it after collecting it back.

4) Store in a warm and dry place.
         You must have seen this in your starter or user pack when you bought the cleaning tool. Storing your cleaning tool should be in a warm and dry place to keep it safe and prevent heat from damaging them.

Friday 2 March 2018

How To Properly Arrange Your Kitchen.

The Kitchen is one of the central part of the home that needs to stay clean at all time. The best part of kitchen cleaning is you can clean as often times as possible at your own ease especially after cooking, or washing of dirty dishes.

                                   THINGS FOUND IN THE KITCHEN.

1) Cooker.
       The central part of every home that gives you life and makes you enjoy the blessings of life. This is what you use to cook and prepare your meals for your family and guests. Keep it clean at all times.

2) Kitchen Cabinet
        Your kitchen cabinet is probably filled with utensils; plates, glass cups, pots, spoons, fork and knives. There are also food seasonings and some food stuffs that are stored up in your kitchen cabinet. These foodstuffs should be stored safe and in a warm area.

3) Refrigerator
        Your fresh fruits, meat, orange juice, butter, stew, soups, some snacks are stored in your refrigerator to be eaten later. The refrigerator is like a the bone of every home that keeps food well preserved and help save the family income by storing their food while they cook and eat it later.

4) The Dinning Table.
         This is where your family connects happily by sharing and eating together as one. Food is served happily.

5) Dish Washer.
        Your dirty dishes are washed here.  Wash your dishes with clean sponge and dry with a clean towel.

Wednesday 28 February 2018

How To Avoid Office Hazard By Practicing Self Hygiene.

Office hazard is one of the leading agent to poor attitude and effectiveness to work. It could be caused by workers negligence to do the right thing and take proper steps towards office and self hygiene. You need to declutter some things around the office to prevent office hazard from happening.

1) Prevent slips, trips and falls.
       Do yourself a favour by cleaning and mobing out water ffrom the ground. If some liquid is spilled on the floor, mob it out immediately. Remove any electronic gadgets or any instrument that may be blocking movement around the office. This will go a long way in preventing office hazard.

2) Control Dust.
       This basically means you should clean your windows, desks, gadgets, instruments, and office samples. Remove any books, files, or instruments that would not be needed around the office. pack them safe in the office store and be sure to always do this every morning before settling down for the day's work.

3) Prevent Falling Objects.
        Do not put the coffee or glass cup at the edge of the office desk,do not place files or office samples at the shelf edge on top one another. Avoid tools that are heavy and most likely to fall off if placed in a less weight object. This could cause the objects to fall off and even break thus causing office hazard.

4) Proper arrangement of office working materials.
        Arrange your chair, desk, your samples and cabinet. Place them in a proper order every morning after cleaning them, This does not only portray a good image of you but also boost your company's image to your clients.

5) Stay in your Zone.
         Do not move from one staff desk to another or move around the office aimlessly. Do not use too much staff electronic gadgets to avoid unnecessary confusion while working or distraction of the workers and also your client. Stay in your zone and work on your designed desk. You can move around only if it is necessary and the right thing to do at that moment. Bumping into objects and your colleagues would be avoided.