The Kitchen is one of the central part of the home that needs to stay clean at all time. The best part of kitchen cleaning is you can clean as often times as possible at your own ease especially after cooking, or washing of dirty dishes.
1) Cooker.
The central part of every home that gives you life and makes you enjoy the blessings of life. This is what you use to cook and prepare your meals for your family and guests. Keep it clean at all times.
2) Kitchen Cabinet
Your kitchen cabinet is probably filled with utensils; plates, glass cups, pots, spoons, fork and knives. There are also food seasonings and some food stuffs that are stored up in your kitchen cabinet. These foodstuffs should be stored safe and in a warm area.
3) Refrigerator
Your fresh fruits, meat, orange juice, butter, stew, soups, some snacks are stored in your refrigerator to be eaten later. The refrigerator is like a the bone of every home that keeps food well preserved and help save the family income by storing their food while they cook and eat it later.
4) The Dinning Table.
This is where your family connects happily by sharing and eating together as one. Food is served happily.
5) Dish Washer.
Your dirty dishes are washed here. Wash your dishes with clean sponge and dry with a clean towel.
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