Thursday 15 March 2018

Top Seven Pest Invasion In Nigerian Homes Today.

Pests are harmful creatures that invade and destroy things. They are one of the causes of leading deaths in the world today and the society needs to go extra miles to eradicating pest and also exercise pest control. The top seven pest in Nigeria home today known for causing havoc, discomfort and even deaths needs to be addressed and measures put in place to eradicate them.


 Bed bugs reduce the attractiveness and livability of any home.  While bed bugs are not known to carry disease, their presence is highly undesirable and causes soiling of bedding, home and furniture. I recently spoke to a prospective buyer of a very expensive home who was considering backing out of the deal because she found out the previous owner had had bed bugs.  Fortunately, the owner had hired a good company with experienced staff who did all the right things, and had records showing that the problem had been taken care of.  If you are unfortunate enough to have bed bugs. Hire a professional pest control service to get rid of them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cockroaches in the home are both repugnant and unhealthy.  Research has shown that children growing up in homes with cockroaches are more likely to suffer from allergies and asthma.  Their feces and shed skins are allergenic and can carry pathogens.  German cockroaches require a vigorous cleanup effort, and careful use of baits.  If you do these two things right, sprays are not usually needed for good cockroach control. 

 Rats and mice.  Yes, I know they’re not insects, but rats in your home are some of the most unhealthy and damaging pests around.  Ignore these little critters at your own peril.  It’s estimated that a single cute little house mouse leaves behind 3,000 microdroplets of urine a day.  This urine, which contains a host of bacteria and viruses, ends up wherever the mice travel: kitchen counters, floors, silverware drawers and food cupboards. Their larger rat cousins, the roof and Norway rats, also leave behind feces and urine with pathogens capable of spreading salmonella, murine typhus and other maladies.  Even worse for your home, rats will damage and contaminate insulation and chew on attic wiring. While rodenticides can be effective, they often result in animals dying in the attic or walls or other undesirable location. In this case, rat traps are effective. 

Termites cause damage to property  and damage by termites is typically not covered by homeowner’s insurance.  Termite control is not for amateurs. A professional can help you identify the species you are fighting and use an effective control to protect your home.  It is very important for you to hire a professional pest control service agent that will help reduce termites in your home.

Ants are one of the most dangerous pest in the world. They are tiny and small but can cause death and havoc on humans. It is important for you to keep your surroundings clean especially your kitchen. Ants like to seek for food and they come in an army. They invade anywhere and anyplace, They  sting any thing that comes in between their way and due to their small and insensitive size, they can crawl up to your skin and even enter your pants, butt, ears, nose etc; Imagine the disaster of having a stinging ant inside your pants. 

Squirrels can also be incredibly destructive to your home.  They chew holes in siding and soffits, they start families in your attic, they even damage trees in your yard.  And together with rats and mice, these rodents are thought to be the cause of up to 25% of all mystery fires–fires for which the cause cannot be determined with certainty.  If you hear the rapid pitter-patter of footsteps in your attic, especially during the day, chances are you have squirrels. Exclusion and one-way doors installed by a professional are effective ways of dealing with squirrels that make their way indoors.

Honey bees are great outdoors, in a hive, kept by a beekeeper; but they become an expensive house wrecker when allowed indoors.  Within a few days of finding their way indoors, a bee colony of 30,000 bees can build a several pound hive.  As the hive continues to grow, it becomes a sizeable mass of wax, honey, and propolis.  If killed by insecticide, a dead hive will leak fermenting honey and melted wax (the bees normally keep wax from melting in hot environments), and dead bees.  It will also attract insect scavengers, moths, and rodents.  A significant part of the cost of bee extermination is removal of the nest. Make sure whoever you hire has experience and knows what they are doing.  You may be able to get someone to extract the bees alive; but this isn’t always practical and it usually costs you more. Wild honey bees are not endangered in any way, so you shouldn’t feel guilty about exterminating a wild bee nest where it’s not wanted.


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