Tuesday 31 July 2018

Why you should Regularly Clean your Water Storage Tank

Are you wondering why you should regularly was/ clean your water tank? Many people wonder why they should do this when a water tank is actually supposed to store a clean water. This write up will help you discover why water tank cleaning is a necessary regular exercise.  Water Storage Tanks get dirty as a result of use; exposure to the atmosphere, stagnant water / not emptied regularly. Every time water is pumped from the borehole, particles of sand equally get pumped into the WST. The water residue at the base of the Tank creates a good environment for the growth of Algae, Bacteria and other water related micro organisms.

The human body is made up of 65-70% of Water, and everything we consume is either in liquid form or prepared with water. Diseases and Sicknesses are mainly contracted through water. When we consume contaminated water (drinking, washing of hands, brushing of teeth, bathing, food preparation etc) from the Water Tanks due to dirt accumulation, we become susceptible to diseases and sicknesses like Cholera, Diarrhea, Typhoid, Malaria (mosquitoes breeding ground) etc.

We need to wash / clean our Tanks regularly; at least two (2) times or more every year.

Water Storage Tank Cleaning in Lekki Lagos


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