Wednesday 7 March 2018

How To Portray A Good Image Of Your Company To The Public.

Maintaining a good office surrounding goes a long way to convey a professional image to clients, associates, visitors and staff. It signals to all that you care about your workplace and your business. It is an extension of your brand and the quality of your work, product and services on offer. A clean office can also increase staff morale and productivity.

1) Arrange all documents and files in an orderly manner.
       This is the first step to ensuring your company portrays a good image to the public. All files and documents should be put in shelves and arrange accordingly. There should be a refined place where office documents are kept for later use.

2) Welcome your clients with respect and special care.
          It does not matter whether the client wants to get a job done or just want to do some enquiries. All your clients should be treated with respect and it is also very important to do a follow up on all your clients, get feedbacks and recommendations from them.

3) All staff are to be treated equally with respect.
          Starting from the general manager to the intern, staff are to be treated equally with respect, care and attention. It is also required to give bonuses to staffs who excel well in any given contract or any job well done and even brought special benefits to the company. This brings productivity amongst staff.

4) Seminars, Training, Conference , Private Trips and Excursions
     is is an important factor in also portraying a good image to your company . Seminars help them interact with what is going on within and outside their job range. It also increase their job creativity and makes them enjoy their work.


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