Thursday 15 March 2018

Causes Of Pests Attacks In The Home.

Pests are a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc. They are literally all over the place and are here to stay. Pest attacks like insects, rodents and spiders are one of the most dangerous and harmful attack that can happen to you. They can cause ailments, allergies and spread diseases. It is very important to keep a safe and clean environment to prevent pest attacks in your home.

Causes Of Pests Attacks In The Home.

1) Unclean Surroundings.
        This is one of the major causes of pest attacks in the home. A home that is filled with unwashed dishes, dusty chairs and tables, over-used bed sheets, dirty carpets and rugs can invite pests into your home. They become your daily companion as they live on your bed, furniture, kitchen cupboard, refrigerators and even lay eggs on your finest dress and shirt. Make sure to always clean and tidy your surroundings, It becomes important for you to clean regularly and use proper insectides and pesticides to kill them.

2) Over Load Of Properties In The Home.
          We all know how many and big our properties are and in a case of a large family, there would be so many properties hanging here and there. This even becomes worse if the large family lives in a small apartment. This is a good time for pest to invade your home and hide in dark and warm corners. The too many properties even makes it easier for them; You can imagine finding a roll of cockroach eggs in your box and get irritated. In this case, you should try as much as possible to have a store away from the home; just two inches outside the home where you keep those many and big items. It goes a long way to reduce pest infestations and bring about diseases.

3) The Weather.
         This is another major factor of pest attacks in the home. During the rainy season and harmattan period, insects like ants, millipedes, earthworms etc and the dry and heat period where rodents, spiders, termites etc are seen to start looking for food and fiber. They invade into your homes from the smell of small liquids and solid fiber. They can go as far as invading your soup pot and destroying your yams, cassava, etc. They eat away your woods and even make it difficult for you to sleep as you try to get rid of them. During this period, it is essential to be extra careful; avoid spillage of oil and food and even when it happens, clean thoroughly with soap and water and a clean towel. Keep your yams an other foodstuffs in a cool and warm place and make sure the surroundings around them are clean. You can also spray pesticides around your home to keep them at arms length. This goes a long way in ensuring food spoilage.


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