Monday 12 February 2018

Easy Steps To Cleaning Your Rugs.

Rugs are floor coverings of thick woven material. They come in different shapes, sizes and colours and they are mostly used for decorations in homes, offices and events. Rugs are one of the most sought after floor covering but it takes high standard maintainance and cleanliness to keep your rugs as new as it was bought.

Here are unique ways to guide you on how to clean your rugs;
Vacuum to Remove Dirt: The most important thing you can do for your rugs is to vacuum them regularly. If a rug is reversible, vacuum both sides. This removes the tough dirt that can wear out your rug prematurely. Take care to not vacuum the fringe of your rug.
Turn Rugs Every Year: Foot traffic and sun can put extra stress on area rugs. Turn them once or twice a year to even out the wear.
Shake Small Area Rugs: If the rug is small enough, you can take it outside and shake it or beat it vigorously to remove dirt and dust. 

How to Remove Stains from Rugs.

Time is of the essence when your rug becomes stained. Remember to blot—not rub—the stain and remove moisture from spills as quickly as possible. Here are ways to helping you remove those tough stains on your rugs;
  • Alcohol and soft drinks: Use a solution of 1 teaspoon liquid dish detergent, 1 quart of warm water, and 1/4 teaspoon of white vinegar. Apply to the stain, rinse, then blot dry.
  • Coffee or tea: Using the detergent mix above, apply to stain, rinse, and blot. If a stain remains, use a commercial spot carpet cleaner.
  • Fat-based stains: For foods such as butter, margarine, or gravy, use a dry-solvent spot carpet cleaner.
  • Gum: Peel off what you can, then put ice cubes in a plastic bag and harden the gum, scraping the gum off with a spoon or dull knife. Vacuum and use a dry-solvent spot cleaner if needed.
  • Paint: For acrylic and latex paint, while the stain is still wet, take a detergent solution. If color remains, dab with a wet alcohol towel. For oil-base paint, sponge with odorless spirit, being careful not to soak through to the backing.
  • Tomato sauce: Sponge with cool water, dab with detergent solution or a citrus-oxygen cleaner. Rinse with a solution of 1 cup white vinegar and 2 cups of water and blot until dry.

  • Urine, feces, and vomit: Apply detergent solution rinse, and blot until dry.
  • Melted wax: Use the same treatment as gum, hardening it with ice cubes in a plastic bag and scraping. Dampen a clean white cloth or cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and blot to remove any remaining wax.

Rugs are beautiful and very good for home and office decoration. It lasts long especially when cleaned regularly. They are very soft and comfortable most especially wool rugs as your guests and clients would feel free to walk bare foot or even sit on it. Some business owners use customized rug with logo to promote their brands


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