Wednesday 7 February 2018

4 Most Dreaded House Chores Cleaning In Every Nigerian Home.

Lets face it, Your home needs regular attention and care, like most things in our lives (like a husband or kids)! There’s no easy way of lecturing anyone to turn their house upside down, cleaning areas of the house that are buried beneath layers of dust that are as old as you are. There are a number of cleaning tasks that as homeowners you are charged with completing at least a few times a year. It may not be as tedious as working hour to hour every day, but these tasks are definitely top of the list of chores no one enjoys doing.

Cleaning the bins. 

You need to change the bin bags at least a couple of times of week, depending on how much waste you go through. But have you ever considered the state of the bin from the inside? Leaking bin bags and escaped crumbs can be the result of a poorly made bag or one that has been too full or too heavy for some time. So it is only natural that dirt can be found beneath the bin liner itself. This job doesn’t take too long if you put your mind to it. Perhaps take it outside and use the hose pipe to thoroughly wash it out, using washing up liquid and a clean sponge and gloves. Try cleaning it out two or three times with soap, to ensure all nasty and unwanted bacteria and the leftover stench is firmly removed. Once washed out, place the bin upside down on some newspaper indoor if the weather is bad, or if it is pleasant and sunny, leave the bin outside on a map to dry. 
When to do this cleaning job: At least once a month – think about how often you use your bin. 

Washing Of Dishes.
This is probably one of the messiest and scariest house chores to do especially as a teenager in a big family. Most times, you end up washing two to three times a day especially during the weekends. Cleaning pots, spoons, plates, cups and even the dish washer can be a trouble. This job can be fun if you decide to go through some basic steps;
-Put on some cool lyrical music and sing along.
-Fill in warm water in the dish water and pour liquid fragance washing soap.
-Start washing from the cups first before proceeding to wash the plates.
-Wash the pots from front to back and wash the dish washer afterwards.
-Fill in warm water again and rinse very well.
-Arrange for them to dry.
Follow these basic steps and you may have second thoughts towards your dreadous dish washing chores.

Cleaning behind the fridge and freezer 

This is no easy job and definitely needs an extra pair of hands to assist. Altogether, the time it takes to complete this cleaning task could be anything from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on how thorough you are. Cleaning behind your fridge/freezer is a necessity to ensure the coils that run to the fridge are running efficiently. An accumulation of dust can mix with moisture from the air and create a blockage. 
When cleaning your fridge freezer, pull it out using both sides, gently wiggling it towards you. If you’re fortunate to have a fridge on wheels, you won’t need to worry about this step. However if you need to manually pull it out, ask someone to help you. Once you have pulled it out, unplug the mains. Don't panic as a short time unplugged, won’t affect your food. Start by vacuuming the floor behind where the fridge sits and dust around the condenser coils. Once you have done this, wipe down the back of the wall and any adjacent wall the fridge may sit next to. You can use a damp cloth and soap or surface spray. After you have completed all of these steps, wash the floor and leave it to completely dry, to avoid any skid marks if you put the fridge back too early. Once the floor is bone dry, place the fridge back to its original position –but remember to plug the fridge back in. Now you can begin clearing and cleaning the inside of the fridge, removing all food, containers and jars, wiping everything down and the shelves they sit on. You can go for best cleaning services and products in Lagos, Nigeria at a customer-friendly price.
When to do this cleaning job; Every month is preferably the best.

Scrubbing The Bathroom Floor And Cleaning The Toilet.
This comes with so much mental and physical energy especially when you are doing it all alone. If you are not determined or tasked to do it, You might end up not cleaning at all or leave your cleaning half-done. The very most important place in a home that has to be always clean is the bathroom and toilet. Dirty bathroom and toilet can attract infections and diseases and spread to family members and even visitors you may also spread to other people. It is very important to keep the bathroom and toilet clean at all times especially the walls and the toilet lid. Cleaning the bathroom and toilet may seem a heavy task to do and you may decide to do it half-harzadly in a lazy way. Here are basic steps brought to you by Cleaneat Services in Lagos, Nigeria.

-Cobweb the corners of the bathroom and toilet wall area.
-Sweep out floor and park out tiny dirt and sand.
-Use a soft clean soapy foam to clean the walls of the bathroom.
-Mob the walls.
-Wash the sink thoroughly.
-Start washing the cover lid of the toilet with clean sponge and soap; Then proceed with the brushing.
-Use a thick brush to scrub the floors or a soft brush to scrub; Whichever one fits.
-Use plenty of clean water to wash and sweep out the floor.
And you are done.

When to do this cleaning job; Every week is the most suitable and safest time to do this, preferably on a weekend.
Contact at Cleaneat services today for your home cleaning tools


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