Thursday 15 February 2018

10 Kitchen Cleanliness Rules.

The kitchen is the home for health and good nutrition. It is the safest place to store your foodstuffs. There are kitchen cleanliness rules that one must abide in other to practice a safe and healthy environment.

                                         10 Kitchen Cleanliness Rules.

1) Always clean touchable surfaces before you start to cook.
      This is very important before you begin cooking as dirt and germs are always lurking at every corners and it would be unsafe to put down foodstuffs on the kitchen table without properly cleaning the table. The germs and bacteria can enter the foodstuffs and may spread to other parts of the kitchen. You would not want to cook in a germ area. You can use a clean small towel, dab it with clean germ-killer liquid and clean the touchable surfaces you are about to cook on.

2) The kitchen is a No-Dumping Zone.
        You should be very strict with this rule. You should not tolerate dumping of nylons of biscuits or canned foods around the kitchen. Teach your children how to use the dustbin. Place a dustbin around the corner of the kitchen for easy access and dispose them daily before washing it. This will go a long way in keeping a clean and healthy kitchen environment.

3) Arrange all kitchen utensils in the right order.
        If you have a kitchen cabinet, this would be easier to do. Arrange your spoons, plates, pots and other kitchen utensils in their right places and in the right order. It makes it easier for you especially when cooking as you already have an idea where they are. If you have a guest who may want to cook for you, this even makes it easier as your arranged kitchen utensils makes it easier to reach in sight.

4) Confine eating in the kitchen and in the dinning room.
        The best place to eat is a round table kitchen dinning or in the dinning room. This is better because you do not want to take your food to the sitting room or the study room. The kitchen is the safest and healthiest place to eat and it makes it easier to reach out for more food.

5) Put dirty dishes in the dish washer after use.
         It is unhealthy and a bad habit to leave plates on the table after eating. It is required of you to put your dirty dishes inside the dish water and even clean up the table in which you ate on. This keeps the kitchen dinning clean and free from flies.

6) Wash up the plates, spoons and pots immediately after use.
          Washing dirty dishes is probably the most dreaded house chores to do but trust me it goes a long way to determine how neat your home is. Leaving dirty dishes inside the dishwasher is unhealthy and makes the kitchen look messy. Wash up the dirty dishes immediately after eating, allow them to dry and arrange in their right place. This makes your kitchen look neat and attractive.

7) Close cabinet doors after you have arranged them.
        While you are cooking or looking for a kitchen utensil, you might end up opening different cabinet doors without remembering to close them. It is best you practice the closing-cabinet methods that helps you close your kitchen cabinet immediately after being opened. Its no task; its no stress. Open and Close.

8) Do not let your kids play in the kitchen especially when cooking.
       This is a must followed rule. Never allow your kids in the kitchen to play around when you are cooking. They could stay to assist you in cooking but do not bring your crawling toddler or younger ones in the kitchen as they would play around and end up scattering and destroying things. This may make you loose concentration on what you are doing.

9) Keep cleaning detergents away from the Kids.
        Kids are prone to reach out to powder or liquids which they may mistake for a drink. It is advisable to keep your cleaning detergents and liquids high up the kitchen cabinet away from where they could reach.

10) Clean your refrigerator regularly and stock up good food in them.
          It is no biggie or heavy task to clean your refrigerator. Your refrigerator should have an appealing smell when opened, a pleasing and attracting aroma at all times. Clean your refrigerator regularly and stock up good food in them.


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