How To Clean Water Dispensers

It is a good idea to clean and disinfect your water cooler thoroughly every time you change the water bottle

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Here are 10 most popular and most loved hand sanitizers in Nigeria

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Wednesday 28 February 2018

How To Avoid Office Hazard By Practicing Self Hygiene.

Office hazard is one of the leading agent to poor attitude and effectiveness to work. It could be caused by workers negligence to do the right thing and take proper steps towards office and self hygiene. You need to declutter some things around the office to prevent office hazard from happening.

1) Prevent slips, trips and falls.
       Do yourself a favour by cleaning and mobing out water ffrom the ground. If some liquid is spilled on the floor, mob it out immediately. Remove any electronic gadgets or any instrument that may be blocking movement around the office. This will go a long way in preventing office hazard.

2) Control Dust.
       This basically means you should clean your windows, desks, gadgets, instruments, and office samples. Remove any books, files, or instruments that would not be needed around the office. pack them safe in the office store and be sure to always do this every morning before settling down for the day's work.

3) Prevent Falling Objects.
        Do not put the coffee or glass cup at the edge of the office desk,do not place files or office samples at the shelf edge on top one another. Avoid tools that are heavy and most likely to fall off if placed in a less weight object. This could cause the objects to fall off and even break thus causing office hazard.

4) Proper arrangement of office working materials.
        Arrange your chair, desk, your samples and cabinet. Place them in a proper order every morning after cleaning them, This does not only portray a good image of you but also boost your company's image to your clients.

5) Stay in your Zone.
         Do not move from one staff desk to another or move around the office aimlessly. Do not use too much staff electronic gadgets to avoid unnecessary confusion while working or distraction of the workers and also your client. Stay in your zone and work on your designed desk. You can move around only if it is necessary and the right thing to do at that moment. Bumping into objects and your colleagues would be avoided.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

List Of Top Ten Best Cleaning And Pest Control Services In Nigeria.

Cleaning services aren’t restricted to companies alone, they also include home services just in case the house is too big for you or you are too busy, there is no need to stress yourself. Here are the best Cleaning and Pest Control services in Nigeria to suit your taste.

1) Cleaneat Integrated Services.

Toping the number one list is Cleaneat Integrated Service,  They are concerned about your environment and you. A professional cleaning service company as well as the biggest online supplier of cleaning and pest control products in Nigeria. Their strong team provides a range of expert and professional cleaning services to a range of corporate, automotive, commercial and industrial clients. Their services include laundry/drycleaning, office/home cleaning, industrial cleaning, car washing, fumigation and pest control. They also have varied product inventory of discounted wholesale janitorial supply which includes a wide variety of cleaning products, from air freshners to washing machines.

2) Afterlife Cleaning Services.

Afterlife Cleaning Services offer services such as Fumigation Services, House Cleaning Services, Industrial Cleaning Services, Cleaning Professionals, Gardening & Landscaping and Office Cleaning Services. They are coming in as number two because of their unique customer outreach and their fast service delivery and rendering of professional services to their clients. 

3) Splendid Cleaning & Pest Control Services.

They offer one of the best beat-down and affordable prices you can ever get for their services which include: Fumigation Services, House Cleaning Services, Industrial Cleaning Services, Office Cleaning Services, Cleaning Professionals, Gardening & Landscaping. They are top most known for affordable and professional services that brings their good cleaning system to your doorstep.

4) Ana Vester Industrial Cleaning (Nig) Enterprises.

Ana Vester was initially a car wash. Due to their passion for good cleaning system  servicesNow, in addition to that they offer the following service: Home and Office Cleaning Services, Fumigation and Janitorial services.

5) Mecson Cleaning Services.

They offer the following services: Fumigation, Executive Office Cleaning Services, Car Body Washing, Fumigation Services, Home and Office Cleaning Services. They come on top 5 of our list because of their versatile cleaning services. They provide the best professional cleaning services and their versatile cleaning business makes it easier for their customers to do an all round cleaning service.

6) Benzito Cleaning Services.

Benzito is known for their rapid response, once they and their prospect agree on a fee, they’re good to go. They offer the following services: Fumigation service, Janitorial services, Industrial cleaning, Home & office cleaning, Vacuum cleaning.

7) Cityside Cleaning Services.

Cityside Cleaning Services are engaged in providing clients second to none royal first class services in the area of office space cleaning, Home Services, and other cleaning related services. Their homework is done, when it comes to client satisfaction. They have at their disposal excellent, well-trained staff and equipment to carry out these cleaning activities and other auxiliary services to suit their customers taste.

8) As Snow Cleaning Services.

Their services include: General Cleaning, Fumigation, Industrial Cleaning, Vacuum Cleaning, Homes & Offices Cleaning, Hotel Cleaning and Janitorial Services. Their top notch cleaning services leaves them at number 8 on our list.

9) Chogon Facilities Cleaning Services.

Located at Gbagada Lagos, Chogon facilities is one of the best in Lagos as they offer great services at a very affordable price. The following services are offered:

  1. Janitorial cleaning service
  2. Periodic speciality cleaning for homes and offices
  3. Pre & Post construction/moving – in cleaning
  4. Rest room/ environmental maintenance
  5. Refuse collection/sewage management and disposal services
  6. Curtain wall aluminium profiles/ window cleaning
  7. Carpet/upholstery treatment and rug cleaning / vacuum services
  8. Executive Housekeeping
  9. Fumigation and pest control for bed bugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes, snakes, scorpions, bird-mites

10) Residential Cleaning Services.

Their professional maid service cleaning is available on a regular basis and their services will guarantee peaceful and serene atmosphere for healthy living.
They provide services such as Cleaning of rooms, kitchen appliances, cabinets, tables and chairs and counters and General Space Sanitation.

Monday 26 February 2018

5 Tips In Maintaining Good And Safe Home Environment.

Home environment is the best place for a family to take personal hygiene seriously. It should be kept clean and tidy at all times to ensure a healthy environment free from germs and diseases. A good and safe home environment should be very reliable in terms of breeding good healthy and safe surroundings.

                    5 Tips In Maintaining Good And Safe Home Environment.

1) Keep the home surroundings clean and tidy.
            Clean the surroundings with home cleaning tools, pick the litters on the floor, dispose the waste bin and remove any harmful objects that could cause home accident like stones, glass, sharp objects etc. This is the first step to keeping a good and safe home environment.

2) Fumigate your surroundings.
        Fumigation is very important in keeping a safe home environment especially in areas where mosquitoes are more likely to breed in large numbers. Fumigation can also help to kill unwanted unattractive grass that makes the home look unappealing. You also do not want to breed a home full of pests so as not to spread sickness and diseases to members of the family. It is very important to fumigate your home every month or every three months depending on the type of area you live in.

3) Clean the house regularly.
        This should be your top most piority; starting from the sitting room, the bedroom, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Clean them with good home cleaning tools. Do not forget the basic places while cleaning. Be sure to dust out and cobweb all areas of the house.

4) Sanitizers should be kept at strategic places.
         Sanitizers especially hand sanitizer should be kept at strategic places in the home like toilet, bathroom, kitchen, visitor's toilet and even the sitting room. Sanitizers are very important to keeping a healthy and germ-free hands and surfaces.

5) Arrange your furniture properly.
           It will amaze you that a proper arrangement of your furniture can go a long way in ensuring good and safe home environment. A well furnished and properly arranged furniture in the home brings out the beauty and appeals to your guests. There would be no hazard as all your furniture are kept in the right place.

Friday 23 February 2018

How To Properly Arrange Your Kitchen Cabinet.

The amount of items that home cooks need to store in their kitchen cabinets is mind boggling. The sheer number of different types of items makes cabinets harder to organize than any other space in your kitchen and that is why sticking to a simple organization strategy is key. Namely, group like items with like items.
On the next few pages we will quickly go over the process of organizing your kitchen cabinets, and I will offer some more in-depth resources to help you organize your kitchen...

Declutter Your Kitchen Cabinets

Decluttering your kitchen cabinets is the absolute must-do first step to organizing your cabinets.  
Before you do any re-arranging of items, or purchasing of storage solutions, you have got to do a serious decluttering of the kitchen cabinets. The more stuff you can trash or donate (yes, you can donate appliances and small kitchen wares) the smaller the amount of stuff you will need to organize and store.

Sort and Arrange Items Back into Your Cabinets

The trick here is to install as many kitchen cabinet organizers as you need and then no more. A few tips for purchasing storage solutions:
The key to organizing your kitchen cabinets is to group similar items together and then organize the groups into zones. When you are putting things away into their zones, keep function in mind over form.
Example: If you use a certain cutting board more than another one, even if it is not as pretty, move it to the front. Unless your kitchen is about to be...

Thursday 22 February 2018

5 Basic Places That Needs To Be Cleaned In The Home.

There are places in the home that are basically being ignored when it comes to cleaning. They are left at the edge when cleaning is in process and may never get noticed. But these are places that pack dirt and germs and spread to other places of the home. It is very important to keep the basic places in the home cleaned at all times.

        5 Basic Places That Needs To Be Cleaned In The Home.

1) Under The Bed.
         This is one of the most ignored places when it comes to home cleaning. We basically just clean past the bed; probably sweep only the corners and edges of the bed and then leave the inner. The under the bed is packed with dust, dirt and dust. Today is the best time for you to lift up your bed and clean the floor of your bed. Believe me, it is very easy to do so and it will go a long way to portray a good image of you to your family and guests. Don't wait until you have a sleep-over of friends before you decide to clean under your bed.

2) Kitchen Sink.
        The dirty dishes and the oily surfaces are stuck up in the kitchen sink. You need to make sure that at all times, the kitchen sink is very clean and shiny-free from germs. The kitchen sink is very easy to clean especially after washing dishes. Its smooth surface allows easy cleaning and rinsing. Do not leave your kitchen sink a mess. Clean up after cooking, and washing dishes.

3) Under The Chairs And Sofas.
        Just like under the bed, you also need to lift up your chairs, sofas and furniture while cleaning. Do not think it to be a stress or hassle. Just do it to make your home look clean and tidy.

4) Shelves.
        Most family homes have book shelves containing books, files, potraits, paintings etc and shelves for gadgets and electronics. The shelves can become dusty if left uncleaned. Get a clean wet soapy towel and clean them. Remember to arrange the books, files and put the gadgets back in place as it was before.

5) All Windows.
         You can take some time out to clean your windows. They need to stay clean as they enhance good ventilation system in the home. Imagine a dirty window and how you can draw on it with your fingers. Such a bad image for your home.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

5 Hygiene Practice For A Safe Work Environment.

All workplace environments need to be hygienic and safe for employees and visitors, even those which are not involved in the production and handling of food and personal products. Implementing a workplace hygiene policy is an effective way to ensure that all employees follow the same standards. Below are some key areas your workplace hygiene policy should address.
1. Personal hygiene.
Personal hygiene refers to the cleanliness, appearance and habits of employees, which can occasionally be a sensitive issue for managers and business owners. An official policy helps to ease any awkwardness by establishing precisely what is expected from employees. Criteria may include showering, using deodorant or perfume, grooming facial hair and hair-washing. Hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers also has great importance as a protection against the spread of illnesses.
2. Work area cleanliness.
Workplace hygiene policies should also make provision for each employee to clean and maintain their own workstation or work areas. The hygiene policy could include regular cleaning of surfaces with disinfectant to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Policies typically also include keeping the area tidy and free of clutter.

3. Restroom facilities.
The workplace hygiene policies and requirements should provide restrooms for all employees to be equipped with hot and cold running water, hand soap, toilet paper and hand drying towels or equipment. This is to ensure that workers have the opportunity to practice personal hygiene after using the facilities. Some businesses hire an external cleaning service to attend to the restrooms. If employees are required to maintain the facilities themselves, however, the workplace hygiene policy could include details such as the frequency of cleaning and the type of products to use for cleaning the floor, toilet bowls and sinks.
4. Kitchen.
Hygiene policies for the kitchen area in a workplace environment need to cover regular cleaning and maintenance of utensils and equipment. This allocates accountability for the task of cleaning and helps to ensure that it gets done. Employees who are unhappy about the levels of workplace hygiene can complain if they believe the standards of cleanliness are poor enough to constitute a health risk.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Why It Is Important To Keep Work Areas Clean And Tidy.

Cleanliness is the heart of every business. It portrays a good image of you and your brand and your company as a whole. You have to go through extreme measures if need be to keep your work area clean and tidy. It is very safe to outsource your cleaning in the company; employ professional cleaners and janitorial services to clean work areas such as the floors, office furniture, the windows, bathroom, toilet, etc daily. Keeping work areas clean and tidy goes a long way in improving the standard and image of your company.

     Why It Is Important To Keep Work Areas Clean And Tidy.

1) It Helps Boost Your Brand Image.
        They say 'First Impression Last Longer'. Your office should be clean and and well arranged to suit the taste of your clients. Your brand image can award you potential clients especially when it is always clean as your clients would be happy coming to your office.

2) It Helps Reduce The Spread Of Germs.
         You do not want your employees and staff to catch a flu or become ill while at work. It is best your hired professional cleaners clean touchable surfaces daily and you can even buy hand sanitizers that would help your employees and client wash their hands after using the toilet.

3) Proper air filtration lowers employee exposure to hazardous substances.
           You may not see them, but dusts and vapors are hazardous substances that can create an unsafe environment for employees. Building ventilation is one important factor in reducing airborne transmission of respiratory infections and maintaining the health and productivity of workers. Replacing system filters prevents them from becoming saturated, which could lead to potential microbial growth and odor concerns. Vacuum cleaners filters may also capture fine particles. Maintaining humidity around 30 to 50 percent through the use of a dehumidifier is also important in eliminating air pollutants and promoting clean air in the workplace.

4) Clean light fixtures improve lighting efficiency.
Dirty light fixtures can reduce essential light levels, making it difficult and unsafe for employees to complete their daily tasks. Clean light fixtures significantly improve lighting efficiency in the workplace. Well-lit stairways and aisles are also important in preventing accidents and maintaining a safe work environment.

5) Natural cleaning products are safer for both your employees and the environment.Not all cleaning products are the same, and some are held to a higher standard than others. Products with third-party certifications, must meet specific standards and guidelines, which ensures they’re safer for both people and the environment. Also make sure you maintain the office equipment for proper handling and storage of the products used in your facility.

6) Proper disposal of waste and recyclable materials keeps work areas clutter-free.
Allowing trash to pile up not only produces clutter, but it also presents a breeding ground for pests that pose a threat to your work environment. Placing “no-touch” wastebaskets in key locations throughout your facility ensures materials are disposed of and reduces the spread of germs. Recycling materials using clearly labeled waste receptacles also makes for a more sustainable environment.

How To Properly Clean Your Toilet With No Stress Or Hassle.

We all know how important the toilet should be kept clean. They should be one of the cleanest part that should be kept neat and tidy always to prevent the spread of bacterial infections. One of the most deadliest infection that are easily spread is through the toilet. If your toilet is not kept clean and neat at all times, It is very possible that infections and diseases would spread to people. You should endeavour to keep a clean toilet at all times. But cleaning the toilet can become an hassle especially if you have a large family or so many people in the company.  The toilet is used daily and likewise should be cleaned daily. Here are some tips on how to properly clean your toilet with no stress or hassle.

       How To Properly Clean Your Toilet With No Stress Or Hassle.

1) Wear protective washing gloves.
        This is the first cleaning equipment you should use. Wear it on your hands to protect you from germs while washing. The gloves can come in plastic, cotton or rubber.

2) Get the right cleaning tools.
        Cleaning tools like sponge, toilet scrub,a toilet toothbrush, bleach detergent, washing soap and plenty of water. These washing tools should be used in the right way in other to achieve your task at the end of the day.

3) Wash thoroughly; Step By Step.
         Start from the toilet lid, the handle, the shut-off valve and the Tank O-Ring Seal and wash thoroughly with a soapy sponge. Then use the toilet toothbrush to wash the edges. Use the toilet scrub to wash the inner corners of the toilet with bleach detergent and a germ-killing liquid soap. Then proceed to the floor flange with a soapy sponge. Use plenty of water to rinse and flush. Scrub the floor of the toilet and mob clean.

4) Use of Air-Freshner.
        You can use air-freshner after washing the toilet to give it an appealing and nice smell. Your toilet is now looking  neat and smells nice.


Monday 19 February 2018

5 Things You Should Sanitize Immediately At Home.

The home is the center for beautiful and happy beginnings. Keeping the home clean and safe; free from germs should be your top most piority. Sanitization is the key to keeping an hygiene and a clean home. There are things which we basically neglect to sanitize and clean especially after use and this bad habit may be harzadous to health.

    5 Things You Should Sanitize Immediately At Home.

1) Waste Bin.
        The waste bin is already filled with dirt from the house most especially from the kitchen. Most people do not wash the bin immediately after throwing out dirt and it keeps being re-used everyday. The waste bin would start having a foul odour even when empty due to its dirtiness. It is very important to thoroughly wash the bin immediately after waste disposal with a good home sanitizer before re-using it again. This will go a long way in the health and safety of the people in the home.

2) Kitchen Mob.
       This is one of the commonest used cleaning tool in the home. People tend to just rinse the mob only and leave it to dry but this habit can leave remaining dirt on the mob which may make it browny in colour. A brown mob is dirty and unsafe to use in the home. You should try as much as possible to sanitize your mob immediately after use by using a bleach-washing agent and a home sanitizer to wash the mob thoroughly. Rinse and leave to dry.

3) Washing Sponge.
        The washing sponge in the home especially the kitchen should be the cleanliest tool one can use. After washing pots, spoons and utensils. Use the same washing liquid and a bleach-detergent on the white sponge for proper sanitization. If your always washing oily plates and pots, apply extra sanitizer with your washing liquid soap to thoroughly wash it.

4) The Dish Washer.
        The dish washer is mostly packed with dirty dishes and it is very important to always sanitize it after washing the dishes. Your dish washer should be clean at all times; Thus gives your family and guests a beautiful sense of accomodation and makes the kitchen look attractive.

5) Children Toys.
        We all know how children love to get playful and in the process may get dirty which they easily spread in their toys and unto their mouths. You should go extra length in keeping their toys very clean. Sanitize them after every play and keep them safe.

5 Things You Should Sanitize Immediately At The Office.

We all know how important office sanitization is and the need to sanitize touchable areas regularly. Sanitization goes a long way in the effective cleaning and hygiene routine in the office or home surroundings. There are sensitive things you need to sanitize immediately at the work place or home.

        5 Things You Should Sanitize Immediately At The Office.

1) Cell Phone.
        Your cell phone probably stays in you hand or very close to you to receive calls, sms emails etc. You tend to touch it repeatedly; There are germs which you can spread from your hands to your phone, which makes the sides dusty and areas of the phone filled with dirt. It is very important that you sanitize your cell phone as often as possible. You can use micro-germs removal cotton pad which is affordable and available in the market to clean your phone surface and parts.

2) Keyboard.
       It is a must to sanitize your keyboard. This is the busiest part in the office as it is being used continuously during office hours. You type non-stop on it and even your colleagues use it too. Germs spread easily through this and they go and hide in between the keyboard bottons. The keyboard of your computer is very sensitive thus you should be very careful when sanitizing it. You can use Roll-Board sanitizer which is the best and safest product you can use to clean your keyboard.

3) Samples.
       Office samples go from one  hand to another, from the staffs to the client to the employer back to the shelf. These samples get in contact with dirt and germs immediately as they are passed from one hand to another. Most people choose no to clean the office samples especially when it is not dusty; This is a bad habit thus sanitization becomes irregular. You should endeavour to clean office samples immediately after use, You can get a clean-cotton wiper and liquid sanitizer to clean office samples.

4) Door Knobs.
        It may surprise you that door knobs should be on your top piority list when it comes with hygiene and cleanliness at the work place. Everybody at the work place including the staffs and clients closes and opens doors, slides, push or pull doors. The door knobs would already be contaminated with germs. Sanitize your door knobs immediately using a moist towel filled with sanitizer to clean it.

5) Shelves.
       The office shelf is filled with books, office equipment and tools, office samples, flowers, etc. They are packed with so much things that there may not be enough light and air to pass through them; This may make your shelf look dusty and may even have a bad smell when opened. Use a very good brand hand sanitizer to clean and arrange the shelves.

Friday 16 February 2018

Importance of Cleanliness And Hygiene At The Work Place.

People often relate hygiene and cleanliness as one; apparently, cleanliness simply does not define hygiene. Instead, cleanliness is solely a part of it. Let’s look at the difference between both the terms.
People often relate hygiene and cleanliness as one; apparently, cleanliness simply does not define hygiene. Instead, cleanliness is solely a part of it. Let’s look at the difference between both the terms.

Hygiene Versus Cleanliness:

Hygiene can be said as a set of habits or practices that are executed in order to maintain a good health. Hygiene can be divided into several other types as personal hygiene, medical hygiene, hand hygiene, home hygiene, and laundry hygiene.
Whereas cleanliness can be said as a state of being free of dirt and germs. Although it is impossible for one to get rid of the germs entirely regardless of all the techniques, as millions of germs roam about in the air. The aim of cleanliness is simply a healthy environment.
A clean workplace can be said as a place where there is an all round protection from germs to health. It is not a place which looks clean but a place which is actually germed free for the employer, employees and the customers.
Workplaces in the years have realized the importance of a clean and healthy surrounding.

Promoting Employee Cleanliness and Hygiene at Workplace:

There are several reasons for one to maintain cleanliness and hygiene workplace. As workplace is the place where several hours are spent by the workers it is important for it to be germ free and healthy.
Let us have a look in detail about the health and safety procedures in the workplace and why cleanliness is important.

1. Dry and clean slip proof floors.

Slips and falls are one of the very common ways of enduring injuries. Thus, to prevent injuries the floors should be cleaned on a regular basis.
For example, in the lunch area, one of the co-workers spilled the food and the floor is dirtied by it. Immediately cleaning of that area is necessary, as somebody may slip over it and fall down. If the person is lucky enough he doesn’t sustain much injury but at times it may lead to fractures.
Further, after cleaning the floor the wet area can also be a hassle for the people as it is an equal threat. Thus, using an absorbent material at the places where there is wet floor is advisable. This will definitely lessen the accidents due to slippery floors.

2. Unorganized and messy.

The messy environment is a root of all problems. In the messy environment, there are more chances of threats going unnoticeable and the situation may simply turn the place into an accident-prone area.
An occupational hazard is plainly a result of ignorance on the part of the employer or the carelessness on the part of workers. When the workplace or the office area is messy and unorganized, it may be a door to many uninvited hazardous accidents. So proper office cleanliness or hygiene at work should be practiced.
For example, at the time of emergency caused due to a fire breakouts, if the stack of boxes or equipment is placed at the exit, it may cause the employers to fall or trip over them and get injured or stuck in the fire lit building.
There can be various other occasions where the messily left piles can be hazardous in the way of the employees. One can take an instance of a time when one needs a certain material from the piles and stacks of boxes. In that case, there is relatively more risk of the stack falling upon the employees and injuring them.
But it is not just safety that is to be kept in mind when looking out for messy material. An unorganized office may also hamper the productivity rate of the employee. One is unable to retrieve the necessary material at the given time.
Hence again the messy environment can be a total obstacle. Not to forget it is a turn off in the eyes of the customers, as nobody enjoys a dirty scene in front of them. As tidiness speaks the professionalism behind it and thus it is advised to place everything in its place.

3. Use of disinfectants in the workplace.

Disinfectants are very important to be used in public places as there is more risk of germs spreading around due to multiple uses of each and every item.
Similarly, in the workplaces, there is frequent use of items from one employee to another. Whether it is a flu season or not, germs are inevitable in nature. Thus, disinfectants comparatively lessen the chance of any germ produced illness or diseases. But using a clinically approved chemical disinfectant is equally important.
In order to cut the cost some employees may opt for a cheaper disinfectant, which on a longer run can affect the health of the employees. This in turn will again lead to health issues and absentees.

4. Germ controls to fight the flu.

Flu season is the season where the attendance register is filled with sick leaves. Employers come across various sick leave applications at this time.
Germs can very easily disperse across the entire workplace if there is any compromise in the cleanliness of the office. Sanitizing the hands as well as work  space is equally important.

For an instance, the lunchroom can be called as a germ house for every one. Specifically the doorknobs, handles, taps, sink, etc are the places with a lot of germs residing. Thus, it is very important to clean and sanitize these areas very frequently.
Apart from flu there is a higher chance of catching a fatal disease or infection through such shared germs within the workplace. There are several infectious germs that may spread due to unhygienic environment and lead to various disease.
Some might not even be fatal, for example, a fungal infection. It may not be fatal but it might lead to irritation and skin infections that will decrease their concentration at work.

5. Green and clean is safe and sound.

Eco-friendly products are best in nature and are not at all harmful to human health. They are friendly to the nature as well. Not all cleaning products can be compared to one another.
All the products have different standards too. Some are cheaper and harmful whereas some are a bit costlier and trustworthy. It is very important to choose the correct chemical. Along with choosing them it is equally important to store these chemicals in the correct places.
There are more chances of these chemical to cause skin related allergies, which on the longer run can affect the employee’s attention span and confidence.

6. Air filtering and humidity.

Air borne diseases do not stay back in the race of harming and spreading more and more diseases. One may not be able see them, but they can be equal threat in the way of the organization at a whole.
A better ventilation system works as a backbone against the air borne diseases. Germs that can pass through respiratory infections can be tackled by the ventilating system. It will not only enhance the productivity of the workers but also maintain their good health.
Thus, regular cleaning and timely changing of the required filters is very much advisable. This will restrict the potential microbial growth or odor related problems within the work environment. Humidity can also affect the germ level in a building thus maintaining a proper humidity level.

7. Meeting the essential light level.

This one may seem a little irrelevant but it can not be ignored. Dirty light fixtures are indeed one reason to the inefficient light supply. It can be a great hassle in the way of employees. It is proven that adequate light is required in order to do the daily task.
No proper lightening can be an unsafe combination with the workplace. Staircases, aisles and other secluded or equipped areas should be lit efficiently to prevent accidents and contribute to a healthy and safe environment.

8. Perfect waste disposal plan.

Piled up trash can produce dirt all around the places. Piled trash can be the exact place where pesticides can reside and multiply. They can be a great threat and hazard to the work environment.
Placing dust bins or waste bins throughout the places in the company grounds is a way to start. Then there should be guidelines given to the janitorial staff to dispose the waste in the correct place.
Further, reducing and recycling methods should be implemented within the workplace. Lastly, sanitizers should be kept in handy so that there is no hazard of any kind of germs attacking in any manner.

9. Image is everything.

It is not the employees that roam about in the work spaces of your company but also the possible clients, suppliers or may be the investors. The environment of mess, unorganized and dirty workplace can be a total turn off for the possible clients. This can lead to a very first bad impression, and as it is said ‘First impression is the last impression‘.
Further words are known to travel faster than lightning. Along with it there may be a possibility of the potential germs being dispersed to that very client and can create many problems.

10. Prevail assets for a long lasting period.

Employees and employers are of coursed harmed but apart from that assets like computers, equipments and other materials (Like the coffee machine, lunch room microwave etc) can also sustain damages.
Buildings, carpets, mats etc are the products that are the contribution of the employer to company and thus replacing them every now and then can be too much of a costly affair.
Further on the part of the employer it is advisable to invest into commercial cleaning products which may not only preserve the office assets longer but also become a helping hand for the janitorial faculty.
As a result of such a condition, employees productivity is greatly affected. Missed deadlines, incomplete task, unsatisfactory work and so on can be an exact example to describe it.
Further illness and injury could prevail into a long term effect that would undoubtedly be dangerous for not just the employee but also the organization at a whole. Thus, providing a better, clean and safe surrounding to the employees is a duty of the employer.
By cleanliness, one doesn’t imply ongoing around with brooms and mops for a cleanliness drive.
Cleaning is a process of getting a clean, free, and energetic environment where there is a zero risk of health hazard. Cleaner surrounding makes it easier to organize the workplace and organizing makes it easier to access all sort of material one needs.
A clean and organized office environment will not just be beneficial for the staff but also will attract customers. The productivity also increases as it is said ‘dirty place and clean mind cannot work together.
Thus, keep an eye on the work of the janitorial staff, after all your safety and productivity plainly reside on their back.

Thursday 15 February 2018

10 Kitchen Cleanliness Rules.

The kitchen is the home for health and good nutrition. It is the safest place to store your foodstuffs. There are kitchen cleanliness rules that one must abide in other to practice a safe and healthy environment.

                                         10 Kitchen Cleanliness Rules.

1) Always clean touchable surfaces before you start to cook.
      This is very important before you begin cooking as dirt and germs are always lurking at every corners and it would be unsafe to put down foodstuffs on the kitchen table without properly cleaning the table. The germs and bacteria can enter the foodstuffs and may spread to other parts of the kitchen. You would not want to cook in a germ area. You can use a clean small towel, dab it with clean germ-killer liquid and clean the touchable surfaces you are about to cook on.

2) The kitchen is a No-Dumping Zone.
        You should be very strict with this rule. You should not tolerate dumping of nylons of biscuits or canned foods around the kitchen. Teach your children how to use the dustbin. Place a dustbin around the corner of the kitchen for easy access and dispose them daily before washing it. This will go a long way in keeping a clean and healthy kitchen environment.

3) Arrange all kitchen utensils in the right order.
        If you have a kitchen cabinet, this would be easier to do. Arrange your spoons, plates, pots and other kitchen utensils in their right places and in the right order. It makes it easier for you especially when cooking as you already have an idea where they are. If you have a guest who may want to cook for you, this even makes it easier as your arranged kitchen utensils makes it easier to reach in sight.

4) Confine eating in the kitchen and in the dinning room.
        The best place to eat is a round table kitchen dinning or in the dinning room. This is better because you do not want to take your food to the sitting room or the study room. The kitchen is the safest and healthiest place to eat and it makes it easier to reach out for more food.

5) Put dirty dishes in the dish washer after use.
         It is unhealthy and a bad habit to leave plates on the table after eating. It is required of you to put your dirty dishes inside the dish water and even clean up the table in which you ate on. This keeps the kitchen dinning clean and free from flies.

6) Wash up the plates, spoons and pots immediately after use.
          Washing dirty dishes is probably the most dreaded house chores to do but trust me it goes a long way to determine how neat your home is. Leaving dirty dishes inside the dishwasher is unhealthy and makes the kitchen look messy. Wash up the dirty dishes immediately after eating, allow them to dry and arrange in their right place. This makes your kitchen look neat and attractive.

7) Close cabinet doors after you have arranged them.
        While you are cooking or looking for a kitchen utensil, you might end up opening different cabinet doors without remembering to close them. It is best you practice the closing-cabinet methods that helps you close your kitchen cabinet immediately after being opened. Its no task; its no stress. Open and Close.

8) Do not let your kids play in the kitchen especially when cooking.
       This is a must followed rule. Never allow your kids in the kitchen to play around when you are cooking. They could stay to assist you in cooking but do not bring your crawling toddler or younger ones in the kitchen as they would play around and end up scattering and destroying things. This may make you loose concentration on what you are doing.

9) Keep cleaning detergents away from the Kids.
        Kids are prone to reach out to powder or liquids which they may mistake for a drink. It is advisable to keep your cleaning detergents and liquids high up the kitchen cabinet away from where they could reach.

10) Clean your refrigerator regularly and stock up good food in them.
          It is no biggie or heavy task to clean your refrigerator. Your refrigerator should have an appealing smell when opened, a pleasing and attracting aroma at all times. Clean your refrigerator regularly and stock up good food in them.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

10 Reasons To Keep A Clean Kitchen.

Keeping a house clean can seem like a never-ending task. However, there are some rooms you should prioritize. One of these is your kitchen. Here are 10 reasons why you should keep a kitchen clean.


1) Hygiene
Hygiene is the main reason you need to clean your kitchen. Hygiene is all about trying to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Both of which can have an unfavorable effect on human health. We will go into depth about this in the other 9 reasons.
2) Pests
Really simple things can bring unwanted pests into your kitchen. For example, toaster crumbs can attract pests. Such pests can defecate and leave behind germs and can eventually cause illness. The same applies when you do not regularly sweep up pieces of food that fall on the floor.
3) Easier To Use
If everything is clean and in the right place, it is so much easier to use your kitchen. If you come down in the morning and the kitchen is clean and tidy, it is easy to have a stress-free breakfast. However, if you come down in the morning and all the bowls are in the dishwasher but it hasn’t been turned on, it’s going to be more stressful to eat your cereal before work.

4) Guests
The kitchen is often the hub of any home. If guests come round for a dinner party, it is more than likely that while you are making dinner, they will be having a glass of wine with you. People’s perception of how clean you kitchen is, can really affect how clean they think you are as a person. It can also impact upon how much they want to eat the food that you make for them.
5) Save Money
Letting one item go mouldy in your fridge or cupboard, makes the rest rot faster. Knowing your food could have been in contact with another mouldy item, could potentially make you less inclined to eat it. Therefore, between the two, you are wasting, throwing out, and not eating a lot of food. Take a proactive approach by: putting food in containers, checking expiry dates, and discarding spoiled food immediately, will help you reduce spoilage and waste. 
6) Safety
Cleanliness is also about safety. Leaving oil spills could start a fire. Spills on the floor can cause people to fall over. No one ever plans to start a fire or have an accident in the kitchen. However, most accidents happen in the home.

7) Food-Related Illness
It is very important to keep a safe and clean kitchen to avoid the spread of germs and bacteria on food. The spread of germs and bacteria can result to food poisoning.
8) Mood Boosting
It’s been shown that goal-orientated tasks such as cleaning can really boost your mood and sense of achievement. Also, if you come home to a nice clean kitchen, and you don’t have to stress about cleaning it, your mood will lift!
9) De-Clutter Your Mind
Similarly, a clean space can create a more relaxing atmosphere. The psychology behind this is related to the lack of physically present tasks that you need to attend to, e.g. washing up.
10) Inspire Others In The House Hold To Cook!
When you feel that there are no pressing or urgent jobs to attend to you are more likely to engage in a creative task like cooking! This applies to both you and others in your household. So you could get a few meals made for you. And all because you cleaned your kitchen.